Thursday, June 21, 2007

A Bad Day

I had a bad day yesterday. waisted time, spent money foolishly, made some poor decisions and and confused some people who were looking to me for leadership. How can this happen? How can one who is filled with the Spirit of God and who lives in, continual fellowship with God have a bad day?

1 comment:

Gene said...

You are still carrying around this carcass of flesh. We, you and I will make dumb decisions till the day we die. The Holy Ghost does HIS best to disuade us.

The flesh at war with the Spirit.

Shake it off again. Repent. Start all over again. Reboot.

I have to do it every day. I make more dumb decisions than anyone. Will probably makes some today.

Sometimes he makes it all work out for good Rom 8:28 and sometimes it's just good to know that his mercies are new every morning, new every morning, great is His faithfulness.

Transparency is attractive on any of us.